state information center中文什么意思

发音:   用"state information center"造句
  • state:    n. 1.〔常作 S-〕国,国家;〔 ...
  • information:    n. 1.通知,通报,报告。 2.报 ...
  • center:    n. 1.中心;中心点;圆心;中央; ...
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  1. Mr . xu changming - director of economic consultancy center of the state information center
  2. Had long served in the research units of ministry of power industry , and later appointed as the director of state information center
  3. A recent survey by the state information center shows that more than 10 million chinese households are looking to buy their own cars in the near future
  4. The series of revisions in the lending rates are aimed at reducing bank lending , said hu shaowei , senior economist with the state information center
  5. The report by china ' s state information center said the gross domestic product is expected to expand by 10 - point - eight percent in 2008 , down from last year ' s estimated growth of 11 - point - four percent
    中国国家信息中心的报告说, 2008年中国国内生产总值预计会增长10 . 8 % ,比去年估计的11 . 4 %的增长率有所下降。


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  3. state industry minister 什么意思
  4. state industry policy committee 什么意思
  5. state information 什么意思
  6. state information protection agency 什么意思
  7. state information service 什么意思
  8. state informatization leading group 什么意思
  9. state infrastructure commission 什么意思
  10. state inheritance taxes 什么意思


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